HomeLink Parent Partnership K-9
HomeLink Parent Partnership is a public school option for Kindergarten through 9th-grade students. We serve families providing home-based instruction to their students and are dedicated to taking an active role in the education of their children. Students may attend for as little as two courses per week. HomeLink operates under the Alternative Learning Experience rules and guidelines through OSPI.
HomeLink partners with families who are providing home-based instruction to their children. Our on-site elective classes are offered to enrich and support, not replace, core subjects taught at home.
News & Announcements
We would like to remind families of the importance of safe drop-off and pick-up procedures at all school campuses.
Everything you need to know to prepare for the start of school this September.
Join us on May 24th to learn more about HomeLink Parent Partnership.
HomeLink Parent Partnership is accepting new student enrollment for the 2024-25 school year.