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Frequently Asked Questions

What is HomeLink?

HomeLink is a public school that is part of the Lake Stevens School District and is bound by district policies put forth by the school board. The HomeLink program supports families who have committed to providing home-based instruction to their students and are an integral part of their student’s education.

We offer enrichment classes for enrolled K­-9 students. Our schedule offers an assortment of enriching and supplemental elective courses to compliment home-based taught core subjects. Students meet in class on the scheduled day/time to receive instruction and participate in classroom activities. They are assigned work that must be completed outside of class time. It is expected the parent will help to deliver instruction for the work assigned at home.

Is HomeLink a ‘drop­off’ program?

No, K-­5 students must have a parent on­site while the student is in class. The parent has the option of being in the classroom or utilizing the designated family space. There are tables and chairs, a refrigerator, a microwave for daily use. 

Students in grades 6­-9 have the ability to earn a certificate of independence. This is earned by managing behavior and passing all classes. A certificate of independence allows an enrolled student to be on campus for classes without a parent on site. The student must arrive no more than half an hour prior to the start of their class, and must leave within a half hour following the end of their class. The student is expected to be in supervised spaces at all times when on campus. HomeLink is a closed campus, meaning students may not come and go at free will.

Students who have earned a certificate of independence must maintain passing grades in all classes and exhibit ongoing positive behavior on campus. Parents may be required to remain on campus if students does not maintain and meet these expectations.

If I’m out of district can I still enroll at HomeLink?

Unless the program is at capacity, yes. Contact HomeLink registrar before completing a Choice Transfer request. Your request must be approved by Lake Stevens School District prior to completing the enrollment process. 

How do I enroll at HomeLink?

  • Contact the office at  (425) 335-­1594 to learn more about classes offered in the current school year.
  • If desired, schedule to visit any classes your student(s) may be interested in taking.  
  • Submit a completed LSSD registration packet including a copy of Certified Birth Certificate, up-to-date immunizations and proof of residence (utility bill, lease agreement or mortgage statement). All paperwork must be received by the HomeLink office 1 week before your child can begin classes.
  • Complete the required HomeLink/ALE enrollment forms 
  • Parent/guardian must complete the LSSD Safevisitor Volunteer Application and receive District approval.   
  • Meet with an advisor to finalize the student’s Written Student Learning Plan. This must be completed prior to beginning classes.

What is the difference between home-based instruction and Alternative Learning Experience?

Home-Based Instruction

  • Is provided by the parent or guardian as authorized under RCW 28A.200 and 28A.225.010.
  • Students are not enrolled in public education.
  • Students are not subject to the rules and regulations governing public schools, including course, graduation, and assessment requirements.
  • The public school is under no obligation to provide instruction or instructional materials, or otherwise supervise the student’s education.

Alternative Learning Experience - HomeLink

  • Is authorized under and follows all public education requirements as well as Chapter 392-550 WAC
  • Students are enrolled in public education either full-time or part-time.
  • Students are subject to the rules and regulations governing public school students including course, graduation, and assessment requirements for all portions of the ALE.

Learning experiences are:

  • Supervised, monitored, assessed, and evaluated by certificated teachers.
  • Provided via a written student learning plan.
  • Provided in whole, or part outside the regular classroom.