ALE Student Contact & Attendance
Students enrolled with HomeLink, an Alternative Learning Experience program, must make weekly contact with each class instructor per the State guidelines below:
Per Washington Administrative Code, all students are to meet weekly with a certificated staff member for the purposes of instruction, review of assignments, testing, reporting of student progress, or other learning activities. Attending a class taught by a certificated staff member meets this purpose. Direct contact may be accomplished in person, through telephone call, email, instant messaging, interactive video or other means of digital communication.
WAC 392-550-025 - Alternative Learning Experience - Rule text (filed 7/10/20, effective 8/10/20)
An attendance week is defined as SUNDAY through SATURDAY
(2) Contact. Each student enrolled in an Alternative Learning Experience must have one of the following methods of contact with a certificated teacher at least once a school week until the student completes all course objectives or otherwise meets the requirements of the learning plan:
(a) Direct personal contact must:
(i) Be for the purposes of instruction, review of assignments, testing, evaluation of student progress, or other learning activities or requirements identified in the written student learning plan;
(ii) Be related to an Alternative Learning Experience course or course work identified in the written student learning plan; and
(iii) At minimum include a two-way exchange of information between a certificated teacher and the student. All required direct personal contact must be documented.
(b) In-person instructional contact must be:
(i) For the purposes of actual instruction, review of assignments, testing, evaluation of student progress, or other learning activities or requirements identified in the written student learning plan; and
(ii) Related to an Alternative Learning Experience course identified in the written student learning plan.
(c) Synchronous digital instructional contact may be accomplished in a group setting between the teacher and multiple students. The synchronous digital contact must be:
(i) For the purposes of actual instruction, review of assignments, testing, evaluation of student progress, or other learning activities or requirements identified in the written student learning plan; and
(ii) Related to an Alternative Learning Experience course or course work identified in the written student learning plan.