Report an Absence
By enrolling in a HomeLink course, it is expected that students will attend class in person.
When a student is absent for illness or emergency, contact the office.
To report an absence, call 425-335-1594 or complete this Parent Form - Report an absence
Accurate attendance records are kept to be in compliance with WA State RCW 28A.225.010 and monthly progress
Please schedule appointments, outside field trips and vacations outside of the days your child attends HomeLink.
All pre-arranged absences of three or more days must include a Prior Permission Form which is available in the office. The student is responsible for completing the form and returning it to the office at least three days before the absence. If a Prior Permission Form is not filled out, signed by a parent/legal guardian and teachers, and turned in prior to leaving for a prearranged absence that is three or more days, the first three days will be excused but any additional days after the first three will be unexcused - personal business.
Students are still responsible for weekly contact and missed assignments and classwork regardless of the reason for an absence.
Students who have excessive absences will require a conference and a plan of improvement will be developed to address concerns.
Students who continue to accrue absences risk being dropped from HomeLink.
- 1 missed contact without valid justification - parent notified
- 2nd consecutive or 3rd consecutive without valid justification - conference scheduled with parent
- Discuss barriers - intervention plan
- 5th consecutive or 6th consecutive without valid justification - truancy petition filed with truancy liaison
- Intervention plan cumulative continue process (6) over the whole year
- 20 day drop rule still in effect
Excused absences defined
Valid justification for missing ALE course include:
Student Illness
Parent Illness in ALE course requiring parent on campus
Doctor/Specialist appointment that cannot be scheduled outside the school day
Pre-arranged trip for family vacation, sports activities, extra-curricular events
for extended travel, pre-arranged absence form must be completed prior to leaving
Excused absence notes should be directed to attendance office staff
Truancy Sanctions
Excessive Truancy (5 plus days) may result in a Snohomish County Juvenile Office Referral under Becca Truancy Law and/or a removal from HomeLink per ALE rules and regulations.